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Six New Inductees Enter Madeira’s Hall of Fame
Diane Nichols

The Madeira High School (MHS) Athletic Hall of Fame inducted six new MHS alumni in its 2024 class on December 6, making a total of 182 Hall of Fame members. 

The Madeira High School Athletic Hall of Fame was created by the Madeira Athletic Boosters in 1991 to honor former athletes, coaches, and contributors who have made a positive impact on the athletic program. Inductees are selected by a committee based solely on accomplishments while at Madeira High School.

The 2024 inductees are Bryan Cummings ‘02, Cody Kuzniczci ‘11, Cassandra Nieman ‘14, Sofia Sotelo ‘04, Jill Trenz ‘04, and John Michael Wyrick ’13. A Meet and Greet and a dinner was held before the Induction Ceremony at the Madeira Varsity basketball game that evening.

The Madeira Athletic Boosters provide funds to support over 400 Madeira middle school and high school athletes each year. Aside from the Hall of Fame, they sponsor an annual Booster Palooza to kick off the fall athletic season. For information about the Hall of Fame and a video featuring the new inductees see the Athletics tab at

Winter Weather Alert Information
Diane Nichols

In the event of inclement weather, schools may be either canceled or be placed on a 2-hour delay. This information will be announced on local television and radio stations, and an email will be sent to families via the Parent Listserves. Parents will also receive a phone notification through the automated dialing system. We try to make our determination by 6 a.m.

On days when a 2-hour delay is in effect, schools and special programs will begin according to the schedule below. Buses will pick up students at their regularly scheduled stops 2 hours later than their usual time, with the exception of afternoon Kindergarten. Afternoon Kindergarten families who use transportation will receive a call from Transportation with their adjusted pickup time.  All Private/Parochial transportation will also be delayed 2 hours.

School starting times will be as follows:
Champions Programs (Before school program) 9 a.m.
Madeira High School (Grades 9-12) 9:35 a.m.
Madeira Middle (Grades 6-8) 10 a.m.
Madeira Elementary (Grades K-5) 11 a.m.
Preschool (See below)
Champions Programs (MES After school program ) Regular Time

*PLEASE NOTE: All Day Kindergarten will be 11:00-3:30. Morning Kindergarten will be 11:00-1:00. Afternoon Kindergarten will be 1:30 - 3:30. Kindergarten classes (OKEP and morning classes) will be required to bring a packed lunch

Madeira Preschool
Madeira Preschool will follow the same closings and delays as the Madeira Elementary, Middle, and High School. If school is delayed or canceled because of inclement weather, the automated phone system will contact your home phone number and parent mobile phone numbers that you have provided to be used in the case of an emergency. In addition, emails will be sent to all addresses subscribed to each individual school listserve. 

In the event of a 2-hour delay, the preschool will run on the following schedule:

Before School Care 10 - 11 
AM Class 11 - 12:30
Lunch for Full Day Children 12:30-1 
PM Class  1:45-3:15
Full Day 11 - 3:15
Champions After Care 3:30-6:00

In the event of inclement weather arriving after the start of the school day, elementary and middle school students will not be released except upon direct contact with the parent or person(s) listed on the student’s emergency card. If bus transportation cannot be provided, students will be kept at school until a parent can pick up their student. Please let us know if you have any questions at 985-6070.


  • Madeira City Schools
  • Madeira Elementary School
  • Madeira High School
  • Madeira Middle School
  • Madeira Preschool
Ben Wetzel Aces ACT
Diane Nichols

MHS junior Ben Wetzel recently joined a unique group of students nationwide when he achieved a perfect composite score of 36 on the American College Testing (ACT) test.

The ACT evaluates what students have learned in high school to determine their academic readiness for college. Their composite score is the average of correct answers to 75 English questions, 60 mathematics questions, and 40 each of reading and science questions. Nearly 1.4 million students took the ACT last year, with an average composite score of 21 out of 36. A perfect score of 36 is rare, with only 0.25% attaining it.

Ben received the perfect score the first time he took the test in June. Of his achievement, he said, “I felt I did pretty well, but I was not expecting a 36. I had put in a solid amount of preparation and had confidence in myself, so I thought it would be good, just not that good,”

Ben is an officer in Student Government and Key Club, and participates in National Honor Society and Spanish Club. He also takes part in cross country, basketball, and track. He plans on attending college and exploring engineering and business as possible majors.

“Madeira prepared me extremely well for the ACT and helped me with the skills needed to do well on the test,” Ben stated. “I'm thankful for the Madeira experience and look forward to my last couple of years here.”

Our New Quality Profile
Diane Nichols

The Madeira City School District has released its twelfth annual Quality Profile (QP), a compilation of accomplishments from the 2023-2024 school year in areas most important to the Madeira community.

Madeira began producing the yearly QP in 2012 along with Forest Hills, Indian Hill, Loveland, Mariemont, Mason, Milford, Oak Hills, Sycamore, and Wyoming school districts. Participating schools surveyed their residents to determine additional factors they valued in their child’s education in areas not represented on the state’s report card. The Quality Profile was initiated to highlight those areas from the previous school year. Today, over a decade after its inception, approximately 50 school districts throughout Ohio produce this assessment of their district’s performance to supplement the state’s report card.

The Quality Profile spotlights just some of the many student, staff, and community member accomplishments during the 2023-2024 school year in Academics, Arts, Student Leadership & Activities, Fiscal Stewardship, Parent & Community Involvement, Athletics, Student Services, and Staff & District Recognitions.

Some of the highlights included in this year’s report are Murals With a Mission - a powerful student-led design and art project, six Madeira teams winning the State of Ohio Personal Finance Challenge, the 2024 I Make a Difference Award recipients, and middle school students learning responsible online citizenship and safe and responsible use of technology through a partnership with the Madeira Police Department.

All twelve Quality Profiles can be found at The Rest of the Story. Postcards were mailed to all Madeira residents with a QR code to access the QP. Residents can leave their address with Diane Nichols at or 513.924.3707 to have a paper copy sent to their home.